People cross a street with black and white markings.
Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash

Risk predictions amplify officials' biases

Algorithmic risk assessments are becoming widespread in government work. The belief is that these will help public servants make more-informed and better decisions. But when risk assessment is just one factor in making a decision, among many other social goals, these tools draw too much attention to risk. That's the finding of a 2021 study at the Univeristy of Michigan, which recruited more than 2000 laypeople to participate in a simulation of high-stakes government decisionmaking. The authors hypothesize that merely deploying risk-scoring algorithms activates decision makers' own implicit biases, even if they aren't embedded in the algorithms themselves.

This points towards a future where rather than reducing implict biases, the deployment of automated risk assessment in complex, multi-factor descisionmaking contexts could actually exacerbate them—raising the need for deeper and more thorough scrutiny of the interplay between these influences.

risk modeling
predictive analytics
tech ethics
digital government