Augmented aging in place
From episodic to continuous care.
How likely? How soon? What impact?
The vast majority of seniors want to grow old at home. Few look forward to the high cost, loss of independence, and unfamiliarity of assisted living. But as people live longer, aging in place creates new challenges. Many homes aren't equipped for the needs of disabled seniors. Visiting care services are costly and labor shortages are growing. It's also easy for people to become isolated at home, especially when living alone.
Going forward, a wide assortment of new technologies and new designs for senior housing will provide new options for aging in place. Computers that use voice and vision technology will provide a continuous stream of health diagnostics, preventative care instructions, and telemedicine consultations in an accessible and intuitive manner. Meanwhile, buildings and neighborhoods will be equipped to adapt to the activities and needs of seniors. New data and models will inform urban designs that optimize for health and wellness outcomes. In cities, this trend will deliver better health outcomes at a lower cost to everyone.
Signals are evidence of possible futures found in the world today—technologies, products, services, and behaviors that we expect are already here but could become more widespread tomorrow.